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Physical Group Training in
the Science of Essence for
Self-realization and Self-expression
Physical Group
Join at a physical location to go through the process together in a group.
Participate in physical and online sessions spread throughout a year.
Meet peers and interact in smaller groups.
The physical training comprises of 18-days physical meetings (80% presence required) and experience of topic video material at home.
Attend the physical meetings benefiting from physical presence of the trainers and peers
Practice at home the exercises given during the meetings
Study didactic manuals (365+ pages of description, diagrams and meditation instructions)
Work in smaller groups to recall the topics and assess in your life
Take the verification test and obtain the certificate
Embark on the training
Barcelona (Spain)
Vicenza (Italy)
Miami (Florida)
Warsaw (Poland)
Stockholm (Sweden)
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Rome - Magliano Sabina (Italy)
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